K. |
king |
Kent. |
Kentish |
Kgs. |
(in the Bible) Kings |
King’s Bench Div. |
King’s Bench Division |
Kingd. |
kingdom |
Knowl. |
knowledge |
Kpr. |
keeper |
l. |
line |
Lab. |
laboratory |
Lam. |
(in the Bible) Lamentations |
Lament |
lamentation |
Lament. |
(in the Bible) Lamentations |
Lanc. |
Lancashire |
Lancash. |
Lancashire |
Lancs. |
Lancashire |
Lang. |
language |
Langs. |
languages |
Lat. |
Latin |
Ld. |
Lord |
Lds. |
Lords |
Lect. |
lecture(s) |
Leechd. |
leechdom |
Leg. |
legend(s) |
Leicest. |
Leicestershire |
Leicester. |
Leicestershire |
Leicestersh. |
Leicestershire |
Leics. |
Leicestershire |
Let. |
letter |
Lett. |
letters |
Lev. |
(in the Bible) Leviticus |
Lex. |
lexicon |
Libr. |
library |
Limnol. |
limnology |
Lincolnsh. |
Lincolnshire |
Lincs. |
Lincolnshire |
Ling. |
linguistic(s) |
Linn. |
Linnean |
lit. |
literal(ly) |
Lit. |
literary, literature |
Lithogr. |
lithography |
Lithol. |
lithology |
Liturg. |
liturgy |
ll. |
lines |
lOE |
(in dates) late Old English |
Lond. |
London |
Septuagint |
m. |
masculine |
Macc. |
(in the Apocrypha) Maccabees |
Mach. |
machinery, machine(s) |
Mag. |
magazine |
Magn. |
magnetism, magnetic |
Mal. |
(in the Bible) Malachi |
Man. |
manual |
Managem. |
management |
Manch. |
Manchester |
Manip. |
manipulation |
Manuf. |
manufacturing, manufacture(s) |
Mar. |
March |
masc. |
masculine |
Mass. |
Massachussets |
Math. |
mathematics, mathematical |
Matt. |
(in the Bible) Matthew |
Meas. |
measure |
Measurem. |
measurement |
Mech. |
mechanics, mechanical |
med. |
medieval |
Med. |
medicine, medical |
Medit. |
meditation |
Mem. |
memoir(s) |
Merc. |
mercury |
Merch. |
merchant(s) |
Metall. |
metallurgy |
Metallif. |
metalliferous |
Metallogr. |
metallography, metallographic(al) |
Metallogr. |
metallography |
Metamorph. |
metamorphosis |
Metaph. |
metaphysics |
metaphor. |
metaphorical(ly) |
Meteorol. |
meteorology, meteorologic(al) |
Meth. |
method(s) |
metr. gr. |
metri gratia |
Metrop. |
metropolitan, metropolis |
Mex. |
Mexican |
Mic. |
(in the Bible) Micah |
Mich. |
Michigan |
Microbiol. |
microbiology |
Microsc. |
microscopic(al) |
midl. |
midland(s) (dialect) |
Mil. |
military |
Milit. |
military |
Min. |
mineralogy |
Mineral. |
mineralogy, minaralogic(al) |
Misc. |
miscellaneous, miscellany |
Miscell. |
miscellany |
mispr. |
misprinted |
mod. |
modern |
Mod. |
modern |
Monum. |
monument |
Morphol. |
morphology |
MS. |
manuscript |
MSS. |
manuscripts |
Mt. |
mount(ain) |
Mtg. |
meeting |
Mts. |
mountains |
Munic. |
municipal |
Munif. |
munificence |
Munim. |
muniment |
Mus. |
music, musical |
Mus. |
museum |
Myst. |
mystery |
Myth. |
mythology |
Mythol. |
mythology |
n. |
neuter |
n. |
north |
n. |
noun |
N. |
north, northern |
N. Afr. |
North Africa(n) |
Nah. |
(in the Bible) Nahum |
N. Amer. |
North America(n) |
Narr. |
narrative |
Narrat. |
narrative |
Nat. |
natural |
Nat. Hist. |
natural history |
Nat. Philos. |
natural philosophy |
Nat. Sci. |
natural science |
Naut. |
nautical |
Nav. |
naval |
Nav. |
navigation |
Navig. |
navigation |
N. Carolina |
North Carolina |
N. Dakota |
North Dakota |
n.e. |
north-eastern (dialect) |
N.E. |
north-east, north-eastern |
N.E.D. |
New English Dictionary |
Neh. |
(in the Bible) Nehemiah |
Neighb. |
neighbour(s), neighbourhood |
Nerv. |
nervous |
Neurol. |
neurology, neurologic(al) |
Neurosurg. |
neurosurgery |
New Hampsh. |
New Hampshire |
Newc. |
Newcastle |
Newspr. |
newsprint |
N. Ir. |
Northern Irish |
N. Irel. |
Northern Ireland |
No. |
number |
nom. |
nominative |
Non-conf. |
nonconformist(s) |
nonce-wd. |
nonce-word |
Nonconf. |
nonconformist(s) |
Norf. |
Norfolk |
north. |
northern (dialect) |
Northamptonsh. |
Northamptonshire |
Northants. |
Northamptonshire |
Northumb. |
Northumberland, Northumbrian |
Northumbld. |
Northumberland |
Northumbr. |
Northumbrian |
Norw. |
Norwegian |
Norweg. |
Norwegian |
Notts. |
Nottinghamshire |
Nov. |
November |
ns. |
nouns |
N.S. Wales |
New South Wales |
N.S.W. |
New South Wales |
N.T. |
New Testament |
Nucl. |
nuclear |
Num. |
(in the Bible) Numbers |
Numism. |
numismatics |
n.w. |
north-western (dialect) |
N.W. |
north-west, north-western |
N.Y. |
New York |
N.Z. |
New Zealand |
Obad. |
(in the Bible) Obadiah |
Obed. |
obedience |
obj. |
object, objective |
Obj. |
object(s) |
obl. |
oblique |
obs. |
obsolete |
Obs. |
obsolete |
Observ. |
observation(s) |
Obstet. |
obstetric(s) |
Obstetr. |
obstetric(s) |
Obstetr. Med. |
obstetric medicine |
occas. |
occasionally |
Occas. |
occasional |
Occup. |
occupation(al) |
Occurr. |
occurrence |
Oceanogr. |
oceanography, oceanographic(al) |
Oct. |
October |
OE |
(in dates) Old English |
O.E.D. |
Oxford English Dictionary |
Off. |
official, office |
Offic. |
official |
Okla. |
Oklahoma |
Ont. |
Ontario |
Ophthalm. |
ophthalmology |
Ophthalmol. |
ophthalmology, ophtalmologic(al) |
opp. |
opposed (to), the opposite (of) |
Oppress. |
oppression |
Opt. |
optics |
Orac. |
oracle(s) |
Ord. |
order(s) |
Ord. |
ordinance(s) |
Org. |
organic |
Organ. Chem. |
organic chemistry |
Org. Chem. |
organic chemistry |
orig. |
origin(al)(ly) |
Orig. |
original |
Orkn. |
Orkney |
Ornith. |
ornithology |
Ornithol. |
ornithology, ornithologic(al) |
Orthogr. |
orthography |
O.T. |
Old Testament |
Outl. |
outline |
Oxf. |
Oxford |
Oxfordsh. |
Oxfordshire |
Oxon. |
Oxfordshire |
p. |
page |
pa. |
past |
Pa. |
Pennsylvania |
Palaeobot. |
palaeobotany |
Palaeogr. |
palaeography |
Palaeont. |
palaeontology |
Palaeontol. |
palaeontology, palaeontologic(al) |
pa. pple. |
passive participle, past participle |
Paraphr. |
paraphrase, paraphrased |
Parasitol. |
parasitology |
Parl. |
parliament, parliamentary |
Parnass. |
Parnassus |
pass. |
passive(ly) |
pa. t. |
past tense |
Path. |
pathology, pathologic(al) |
Pathol. |
pathology, pathologic(al) |
Peculat. |
peculation(s) |
Penins. |
peninsula |
perf. |
perfect |
Perf. |
perfect, perfection |
perh. |
perhaps |
Periodontol. |
periodontology, periodontologic(al) |
pers. |
person(al) |
Pers. |
Persian |
Pers. |
personal |
Persec. |
persecution(s) |
personif. |
personified |
Perthsh. |
Perthshire |
Pet. |
(in the Bible) Peter |
Petrogr. |
petrography, petrographic(al) |
Petrol. |
petrology, petrologic(al) |
pf. |
perfect |
Pharm. |
pharmacology |
Pharmaceut. |
pharmaceutical |
Pharmacol. |
pharmacology, pharmacological |
Phil. |
philosophy, philosophic(al) |
Phil. |
(in the Bible) Philippians |
Philad. |
Philadelphia |
Philem. |
(in the Bible) Philemon |
Philipp. |
(in the Bible) Philippians |
Philol. |
philology, philologic(al) |
Philos. |
philosophy, philosophic(al) |
Phoen. |
Phoenician |
phonet. |
phonetic(ally) |
Phonol. |
phonology |
Photog. |
photography |
Photogr. |
photography, photographic(al) |
phr. |
phrase |
Phrenol. |
phrenology |
Phys. |
physiology |
Physical Chem. |
physical chemistry |
Physical Geogr. |
physical geography |
Physiogr. |
physiography |
Physiol. |
physiology, physiologic(al) |
Pict. |
pictorial |
Pict. |
picture(s) |
pl. |
plural |
plur. |
plural |
poet. |
poetic(al) |
Poet. |
poetical |
Pol. |
politics, political |
Pol. Econ. |
political economy |
Polit. |
politics, political |
Polytechn. |
polytechnic(al) |
pop. |
popular(ly) |
Pop. |
popular |
Porc. |
porcelain |
Port. |
Portuguese |
poss. |
possessive |
poss. |
possible, possibly |
Posth. |
posthumous(ly) |
Postm. |
postmaster |
Pott. |
pottery |
ppl. |
participial |
ppl. a. |
participial adjective |
ppl. adj. |
participial adjective |
ppl. adjs. |
participial adjectives |
pple. |
participle |
pples. |
participles |
P. R. |
public records |
pr. |
present |
Pract. |
practical |
Pract. |
practice |
prec. |
preceding |
pred. |
predicate |
predic. |
predicate, predicative(ly) |
Predict. |
prediction |
pref. |
prefix |
Pref. |
preface |
Preh. |
prehistoric |
Prehist. |
prehistory, prehistoric |
prep. |
preposition(al) |
Prerog. |
prerogative |
pres. |
present |
Pres. |
present |
Presb. |
Presbyterian |
Presb. |
presbytery |
Preserv. |
preservation |
pres. pple. |
present participle |
Prim. |
primer(s) |
Princ. |
principle(s) |
Print. |
printing |
priv. |
privative |
prob. |
probably |
Probab. |
probability, probabilities |
Probl. |
problem |
Proc. |
proceedings |
Prod. |
product(s) |
Prol. |
prologue |
pron. |
pronoun |
pron. |
pronunciation |
pronunc. |
pronunciation |
Pronunc. |
pronunciation |
prop. |
properly |
Prop. |
property, properties |
propr. |
proprietary |
Pros. |
prosody |
prov. |
proverb(ial)(ly) |
Prov. |
proverb |
Prov. |
(in the Bible) Proverbs |
Provid. |
providence(s) |
Provinc. |
provincial |
Provis. |
provisional |
pr. pple. |
present participle |
Ps. |
(in the Bible) Psalms |
pseudo-arch. |
pseudo-archaic |
pseudo-dial. |
pseudo-dialect |
pseudo-Sc. |
pseudo-Scots |
Psych. |
psychology |
Psychoanal. |
psychoanalysis |
Psychoanalyt. |
psychoanalytic |
Psychol. |
psychology, psychologic(al) |
Psychopathol. |
psychopathology, psychopathologic(al) |
Pt. |
part |
Publ. |
public |
Publ. |
publication |
Purg. |
purgatory |
R. |
royal |
Radiol. |
radiology |
R.A.F. |
Royal Air Force |
R.C. |
Roman Catholic(ism) |
R.C. Church |
Roman Catholic Church |
Reas. |
reason(s) |
Reb. |
rebellion |
Rebell. |
rebellion |
Rec. |
record(s) |
Reclam. |
reclamation |
Recoll. |
recollection |
Redempt. |
redemption |
redupl. |
reduplicating |
Ref. |
reference |
Ref. |
reformation |
refash. |
refashioned, refashioning |
refl. |
reflexive |
Refl. |
reflection(s) |
Refus. |
refusal |
Refut. |
refutation |
reg. |
regular |
Reg. |
register |
Regic. |
regicide |
Regist. |
register |
Regr. |
register |
rel. |
related |
rel. |
relative |
Rel. |
relating |
Relig. |
religion, religious |
Reminisc. |
reminiscence(s) |
Remonstr. |
remonstrance |
Renfrewsh. |
Renfrewshire |
Rep. |
report |
repr. |
representative, representing |
Reprod. |
reproduction, reproductive |
Rept. |
report |
Repub. |
republic |
Res. |
research |
Resid. |
residence, residential |
Ret. |
return |
Retrosp. |
retrospective |
Rev. |
review |
Rev. |
revised |
Rev. |
(in the Bible) Revelation |
Revol. |
revolution |
Rhet. |
rhetoric |
rhet. |
rhetorical(ly) |
Rhode Isl. |
Rhode Island |
Rich. |
Richard |
R.N. |
Royal Navy |
Rom. |
Roman |
Rom. |
(in the Bible) Romans |
Rom. Antiq. |
Roman antiquities |
Ross-sh. |
Ross-shire |
Roxb. |
Roxburgh |
Roy. |
royal |
Rudim. |
rudiment(s) |
Russ. |
Russia, Russian |
s. |
south |
S. |
south, southern |
S. Afr. |
South Africa(n) |
Sam. |
(in the Bible) Samuel |
Sask. |
Saskatchewan |
Sat. |
Saturday |
Sax. |
Saxon |
sc. |
scilicet, ‘understand’ or ‘supply’ |
Sc. |
Scottish, Scots |
Scand. |
Scandinavia, Scandinavian |
S. Carolina |
South Carolina |
Sch. |
school |
Sci. |
science(s), scientific |
Scot. |
Scottish |
Scotl. |
Scotland |
Script. |
scripture |
Sculpt. |
sculpture |
S. Dakota |
South Dakota |
s.e. |
south-eastern (dialect) |
S.E. |
south-east, south-eastern |
Seismol. |
seismology |
Sel. |
selected |
Sel. comm. |
select committee |
Select. |
selection |
Sept. |
September |
Ser. |
series |
Serm. |
sermon(s) |
Sess. |
session |
Settlem. |
settlement |
Sev. |
several |
Shakes. |
Shakespeare |
Shaks. |
Shakespeare |
Sheph. |
shepherd |
Shetl. |
Shetland |
Shropsh. |
Shropshire |
sing. |
singular |
Soc. |
society |
Sociol. |
sociology, sociological |
Som. |
Somerset |
Song of Sol. |
(in the Bible) Song of Solomon |
Song Sol. |
(in the Bible) Song of Solomon |
Sonn. |
sonnet |
south. |
southern (dialect) |
sp. |
spelling |
Span. |
Spanish |
spec. |
specifically |
Spec. |
special |
Spec. |
specimen(s) |
Specif. |
specification(s) |
Specim. |
specimen(s) |
Spectrosc. |
spectroscopy |
SS. |
saints |
St. |
Saint |
St. |
street |
Staff. |
Staffordshire |
Stafford. |
Staffordshire |
Staffordsh. |
Staffordshire |
Staffs. |
Staffordshire |
Stand. |
standard |
Stat. |
statistical |
Statist. |
statistical |
Stock Exch. |
stock exchange |
str. |
strong |
Stratigr. |
stratigraphy, stratigraphical |
Struct. |
structure, structural |
S.T.S. |
Scottish Text Society |
Stud. |
studies |
subj. |
subject |
subj. |
subjunctive |
Subj. |
subject(s) |
subjunct. |
subjunctive |
subord. |
subordinate |
subord. cl. |
subordinate clause |
Subscr. |
subscription |
Subscript. |
subscription |
subseq. |
subsequent(ly) |
subst. |
substantive(ly) |
suff. |
suffix |
Suff. |
Suffolk |
superl. |
superlative |
Suppl. |
supplement, supplementary |
Supplic. |
supplication(s) |
Suppress. |
suppression |
Surg. |
surgery, surgical |
Surv. |
survey, surveying |
Sus. |
(in the Apocrypha) Susanna |
s.v. |
sub verbo, ‘under the word’ |
s.w. |
south-western (dialect) |
S.W. |
south-west, south-western |
syll. |
syllable |
Symmetr. |
symmetrical |
Symp. |
symposium |
Syst. |
system |
t. |
tense |
Taxon. |
taxonomy, taxonomic |
techn. |
technical |
Techn. |
technical |
Technol. |
technology, technological |
Tel. |
telegraph |
Telecomm. |
telecommunications |
Telegr. |
telegraph |
Telegr. |
telegraphy, telegraphic(al) |
Teleph. |
telephony, telephonic |
Teratol. |
teratology |
Terminol. |
terminology, terminological |
Terrestr. |
terrestrial |
Test. |
testament |
Textbk. |
textbook |
Theat. |
theatre, theatrical |
Theatr. |
theatre, theatrical |
Theol. |
theology, theological |
Theoret. |
theoretical |
Thermonucl. |
thermonuclear |
Thes. |
thesaurus |
Thess. |
(in the Bible) Thessalonians |
Tim. |
(in the Bible) Timothy |
Tit. |
(in the Bible) Titus |
Topogr. |
topography, topographic(al) |
tr. |
translation, translating |
Trad. |
tradition, traditional |
Trag. |
tragedy |
trans. |
transitive |
Trans. |
transaction(s) |
transf. |
transferred sense |
transl. |
translation, translating |
Transl. |
translation |
Transubstant. |
transubstantiation |
Trav. |
travel(s) |
Treas. |
treasurer, treasury |
Treat. |
treatise |
Treatm. |
treatment |
Trib. |
tribune |
Trig. |
trigonometry |
Trigonom. |
trigonometry |
Trop. |
tropical |
Troub. |
troublesome |
Troubl. |
troublesome |
Typog. |
typography |
Typogr. |
typography |
U.K. |
United Kingdom |
ult. |
ultimately |
Univ. |
university |
unkn. |
unknown |
Unnat. |
unnatural |
Unoffic. |
unofficial |
unstr. |
unstressed |
Urin. |
urinary |
U.S. |
United States |
U.S.A.F. |
United States Air Force |
U.S.S.R. |
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics |
usu. |
usually |
Utilit. |
utilitarian |
v. |
verb |
Va. |
Virginia |
Vac. |
vacation |
Valedict. |
valediction |
var. |
variant |
varr. |
variants |
vars. |
variants |
vb. |
verb |
vbl. |
verbal |
vbl.n. |
verbal noun |
vbl. ns. |
verbal nouns |
vbs. |
verbs |
Veg. |
vegetable |
Veg. Phys. |
vegetable physiology |
Veg. Physiol. |
vegetable physiology |
Venet. |
Venetian |
Vertebr. |
vertebrate |
Vet. |
veterinary, veterinary science |
Vet. Med. |
veterinary medicine |
Vet. Path. |
veterinary pathology |
Vet. Sci. |
veterinary science |
Vet. Surg. |
veterinary surgery |
Vic. |
Victoria |
Vict. |
Victoria |
Vind. |
vindication, vindicated |
Vindic. |
vindication, vindicated |
Virg. |
virgin(s) |
Virol. |
virology |
viz. |
videlicet, ‘namely’ |
Voc. |
vocabulary |
Vocab. |
vocabulary |
Vol. |
volume |
Vols. |
volumes |
Voy. |
voyage(s) |
vulg. |
vulgar(ly) |
Vulg. |
vulgar |
Vulg. |
Vulgate |
w. |
west |
W. |
west, western |
W. Afr. |
West Africa(n) |
Warwicksh. |
Warwickshire |
wd. |
word |
Wd. |
word |
west. |
western |
Westm. |
Westminster |
Westmld. |
Westmoreland |
Westmorld. |
Westmoreland |
Westmrld. |
Westmoreland |
Will. |
William |
Wilts. |
Wiltshire |
Wiltsh. |
Wiltshire |
W. Ind. |
West Indies, West Indian |
W. Indies |
West Indies |
Wis. |
Wisconsin |
Wisd. |
wisdom |
Wisd. |
(in the Apocrypha) Wisdom of Solomon |
wk. |
weak |
Wk. |
week |
Wk. |
work |
Wkly. |
weekly |
Wks. |
works |
Wonderf. |
wonderful |
Worc. |
Worcestershire |
Worcestersh. |
Worcestershire |
Worcs. |
Worcestershire |
Writ. |
writing(s) |
W. Va. |
West Virginia |
Yearbk. |
yearbook |
Yng. |
young |
Yorks. |
Yorkshire |
Yorksh. |
Yorkshire |
Yr. |
year |
Yrs. |
years |
Zech. |
(in the Bible) Zechariah |
Zeitschr. |
Zeitschrift |
Zeph. |
(in the Bible) Zephaniah |
Zoogeogr. |
zoogeography |
Zool. |
zoology, zoological |
Forrás: http://public.oed.com/how-to-use-the-oed/abbreviations/#k