2015. aug 30.

Az összes előforduló rövidítés egy helyen - Abbreviations II.

írta: Szandi.1105
Az összes előforduló rövidítés egy helyen - Abbreviations II.

Abbreviations II


K. king
Kent. Kentish
Kgs. (in the Bible) Kings
King’s Bench Div. King’s Bench Division
Kingd. kingdom
Knowl. knowledge
Kpr. keeper



l. line
Lab. laboratory
Lam. (in the Bible) Lamentations
Lament lamentation
Lament. (in the Bible) Lamentations
Lanc. Lancashire
Lancash. Lancashire
Lancs. Lancashire
Lang. language
Langs. languages
Lat. Latin
Ld. Lord
Lds. Lords
Lect. lecture(s)
Leechd. leechdom
Leg. legend(s)
Leicest. Leicestershire
Leicester. Leicestershire
Leicestersh. Leicestershire
Leics. Leicestershire
Let. letter
Lett. letters
Lev. (in the Bible) Leviticus
Lex. lexicon
Libr. library
Limnol. limnology
Lincolnsh. Lincolnshire
Lincs. Lincolnshire
Ling. linguistic(s)
Linn. Linnean
lit. literal(ly)
Lit. literary, literature
Lithogr. lithography
Lithol. lithology
Liturg. liturgy
ll. lines
lOE (in dates) late Old English
Lond. London
LXX Septuagint


m. masculine
Macc. (in the Apocrypha) Maccabees
Mach. machinery, machine(s)
Mag. magazine
Magn. magnetism, magnetic
Mal. (in the Bible) Malachi
Man. manual
Managem. management
Manch. Manchester
Manip. manipulation
Manuf. manufacturing, manufacture(s)
Mar. March
masc. masculine
Mass. Massachussets
Math. mathematics, mathematical
Matt. (in the Bible) Matthew
Meas. measure
Measurem. measurement
Mech. mechanics, mechanical
med. medieval
Med. medicine, medical
Medit. meditation
Mem. memoir(s)
Merc. mercury
Merch. merchant(s)
Metall. metallurgy
Metallif. metalliferous
Metallogr. metallography, metallographic(al)
Metallogr. metallography
Metamorph. metamorphosis
Metaph. metaphysics
metaphor. metaphorical(ly)
Meteorol. meteorology, meteorologic(al)
Meth. method(s)
metr. gr. metri gratia
Metrop. metropolitan, metropolis
Mex. Mexican
Mic. (in the Bible) Micah
Mich. Michigan
Microbiol. microbiology
Microsc. microscopic(al)
midl. midland(s) (dialect)
Mil. military
Milit. military
Min. mineralogy
Mineral. mineralogy, minaralogic(al)
Misc. miscellaneous, miscellany
Miscell. miscellany
mispr. misprinted
mod. modern
Mod. modern
Monum. monument
Morphol. morphology
MS. manuscript
MSS. manuscripts
Mt. mount(ain)
Mtg. meeting
Mts. mountains
Munic. municipal
Munif. munificence
Munim. muniment
Mus. music, musical
Mus. museum
Myst. mystery
Myth. mythology
Mythol. mythology


n. neuter
n. north
n. noun
N. north, northern
N. Afr. North Africa(n)
Nah. (in the Bible) Nahum
N. Amer. North America(n)
Narr. narrative
Narrat. narrative
Nat. natural
Nat. Hist. natural history
Nat. Philos. natural philosophy
Nat. Sci. natural science
Naut. nautical
Nav. naval
Nav. navigation
Navig. navigation
N. Carolina North Carolina
N. Dakota North Dakota
n.e. north-eastern (dialect)
N.E. north-east, north-eastern
N.E.D. New English Dictionary
Neh. (in the Bible) Nehemiah
Neighb. neighbour(s), neighbourhood
Nerv. nervous
Neurol. neurology, neurologic(al)
Neurosurg. neurosurgery
New Hampsh. New Hampshire
Newc. Newcastle
Newspr. newsprint
N. Ir. Northern Irish
N. Irel. Northern Ireland
No. number
nom. nominative
Non-conf. nonconformist(s)
nonce-wd. nonce-word
Nonconf. nonconformist(s)
Norf. Norfolk
north. northern (dialect)
Northamptonsh. Northamptonshire
Northants. Northamptonshire
Northumb. Northumberland, Northumbrian
Northumbld. Northumberland
Northumbr. Northumbrian
Norw. Norwegian
Norweg. Norwegian
Notts. Nottinghamshire
Nov. November
ns. nouns
N.S. Wales New South Wales
N.S.W. New South Wales
N.T. New Testament
Nucl. nuclear
Num. (in the Bible) Numbers
Numism. numismatics
n.w. north-western (dialect)
N.W. north-west, north-western
N.Y. New York
N.Z. New Zealand


Obad. (in the Bible) Obadiah
Obed. obedience
obj. object, objective
Obj. object(s)
obl. oblique
obs. obsolete
Obs. obsolete
Observ. observation(s)
Obstet. obstetric(s)
Obstetr. obstetric(s)
Obstetr. Med. obstetric medicine
occas. occasionally
Occas. occasional
Occup. occupation(al)
Occurr. occurrence
Oceanogr. oceanography, oceanographic(al)
Oct. October
OE (in dates) Old English
O.E.D. Oxford English Dictionary
Off. official, office
Offic. official
Okla. Oklahoma
Ont. Ontario
Ophthalm. ophthalmology
Ophthalmol. ophthalmology, ophtalmologic(al)
opp. opposed (to), the opposite (of)
Oppress. oppression
Opt. optics
Orac. oracle(s)
Ord. order(s)
Ord. ordinance(s)
Org. organic
Organ. Chem. organic chemistry
Org. Chem. organic chemistry
orig. origin(al)(ly)
Orig. original
Orkn. Orkney
Ornith. ornithology
Ornithol. ornithology, ornithologic(al)
Orthogr. orthography
O.T. Old Testament
Outl. outline
Oxf. Oxford
Oxfordsh. Oxfordshire
Oxon. Oxfordshire


p. page
pa. past
Pa. Pennsylvania
Palaeobot. palaeobotany
Palaeogr. palaeography
Palaeont. palaeontology
Palaeontol. palaeontology, palaeontologic(al)
pa. pple. passive participle, past participle
Paraphr. paraphrase, paraphrased
Parasitol. parasitology
Parl. parliament, parliamentary
Parnass. Parnassus
pass. passive(ly)
pa. t. past tense
Path. pathology, pathologic(al)
Pathol. pathology, pathologic(al)
Peculat. peculation(s)
Penins. peninsula
perf. perfect
Perf. perfect, perfection
perh. perhaps
Periodontol. periodontology, periodontologic(al)
pers. person(al)
Pers. Persian
Pers. personal
Persec. persecution(s)
personif. personified
Perthsh. Perthshire
Pet. (in the Bible) Peter
Petrogr. petrography, petrographic(al)
Petrol. petrology, petrologic(al)
pf. perfect
Pharm. pharmacology
Pharmaceut. pharmaceutical
Pharmacol. pharmacology, pharmacological
Phil. philosophy, philosophic(al)
Phil. (in the Bible) Philippians
Philad. Philadelphia
Philem. (in the Bible) Philemon
Philipp. (in the Bible) Philippians
Philol. philology, philologic(al)
Philos. philosophy, philosophic(al)
Phoen. Phoenician
phonet. phonetic(ally)
Phonol. phonology
Photog. photography
Photogr. photography, photographic(al)
phr. phrase
Phrenol. phrenology
Phys. physiology
Physical Chem. physical chemistry
Physical Geogr. physical geography
Physiogr. physiography
Physiol. physiology, physiologic(al)
Pict. pictorial
Pict. picture(s)
pl. plural
plur. plural
poet. poetic(al)
Poet. poetical
Pol. politics, political
Pol. Econ. political economy
Polit. politics, political
Polytechn. polytechnic(al)
pop. popular(ly)
Pop. popular
Porc. porcelain
Port. Portuguese
poss. possessive
poss. possible, possibly
Posth. posthumous(ly)
Postm. postmaster
Pott. pottery
ppl. participial
ppl. a. participial adjective
ppl. adj. participial adjective
ppl. adjs. participial adjectives
pple. participle
pples. participles
P. R. public records
pr. present
Pract. practical
Pract. practice
prec. preceding
pred. predicate
predic. predicate, predicative(ly)
Predict. prediction
pref. prefix
Pref. preface
Preh. prehistoric
Prehist. prehistory, prehistoric
prep. preposition(al)
Prerog. prerogative
pres. present
Pres. present
Presb. Presbyterian
Presb. presbytery
Preserv. preservation
pres. pple. present participle
Prim. primer(s)
Princ. principle(s)
Print. printing
priv. privative
prob. probably
Probab. probability, probabilities
Probl. problem
Proc. proceedings
Prod. product(s)
Prol. prologue
pron. pronoun
pron. pronunciation
pronunc. pronunciation
Pronunc. pronunciation
prop. properly
Prop. property, properties
propr. proprietary
Pros. prosody
prov. proverb(ial)(ly)
Prov. proverb
Prov. (in the Bible) Proverbs
Provid. providence(s)
Provinc. provincial
Provis. provisional
pr. pple. present participle
Ps. (in the Bible) Psalms
pseudo-arch. pseudo-archaic
pseudo-dial. pseudo-dialect
pseudo-Sc. pseudo-Scots
Psych. psychology
Psychoanal. psychoanalysis
Psychoanalyt. psychoanalytic
Psychol. psychology, psychologic(al)
Psychopathol. psychopathology, psychopathologic(al)
Pt. part
Publ. public
Publ. publication
Purg. purgatory


R. royal
Radiol. radiology
R.A.F. Royal Air Force
R.C. Roman Catholic(ism)
R.C. Church Roman Catholic Church
Reas. reason(s)
Reb. rebellion
Rebell. rebellion
Rec. record(s)
Reclam. reclamation
Recoll. recollection
Redempt. redemption
redupl. reduplicating
Ref. reference
Ref. reformation
refash. refashioned, refashioning
refl. reflexive
Refl. reflection(s)
Refus. refusal
Refut. refutation
reg. regular
Reg. register
Regic. regicide
Regist. register
Regr. register
rel. related
rel. relative
Rel. relating
Relig. religion, religious
Reminisc. reminiscence(s)
Remonstr. remonstrance
Renfrewsh. Renfrewshire
Rep. report
repr. representative, representing
Reprod. reproduction, reproductive
Rept. report
Repub. republic
Res. research
Resid. residence, residential
Ret. return
Retrosp. retrospective
Rev. review
Rev. revised
Rev. (in the Bible) Revelation
Revol. revolution
Rhet. rhetoric
rhet. rhetorical(ly)
Rhode Isl. Rhode Island
Rich. Richard
R.N. Royal Navy
Rom. Roman
Rom. (in the Bible) Romans
Rom. Antiq. Roman antiquities
Ross-sh. Ross-shire
Roxb. Roxburgh
Roy. royal
Rudim. rudiment(s)
Russ. Russia, Russian


s. south
S. south, southern
S. Afr. South Africa(n)
Sam. (in the Bible) Samuel
Sask. Saskatchewan
Sat. Saturday
Sax. Saxon
sc. scilicet, ‘understand’ or ‘supply’
Sc. Scottish, Scots
Scand. Scandinavia, Scandinavian
S. Carolina South Carolina
Sch. school
Sci. science(s), scientific
Scot. Scottish
Scotl. Scotland
Script. scripture
Sculpt. sculpture
S. Dakota South Dakota
s.e. south-eastern (dialect)
S.E. south-east, south-eastern
Seismol. seismology
Sel. selected
Sel. comm. select committee
Select. selection
Sept. September
Ser. series
Serm. sermon(s)
Sess. session
Settlem. settlement
Sev. several
Shakes. Shakespeare
Shaks. Shakespeare
Sheph. shepherd
Shetl. Shetland
Shropsh. Shropshire
sing. singular
Soc. society
Sociol. sociology, sociological
Som. Somerset
Song of Sol. (in the Bible) Song of Solomon
Song Sol. (in the Bible) Song of Solomon
Sonn. sonnet
south. southern (dialect)
sp. spelling
Span. Spanish
spec. specifically
Spec. special
Spec. specimen(s)
Specif. specification(s)
Specim. specimen(s)
Spectrosc. spectroscopy
SS. saints
St. Saint
St. street
Staff. Staffordshire
Stafford. Staffordshire
Staffordsh. Staffordshire
Staffs. Staffordshire
Stand. standard
Stat. statistical
Statist. statistical
Stock Exch. stock exchange
str. strong
Stratigr. stratigraphy, stratigraphical
Struct. structure, structural
S.T.S. Scottish Text Society
Stud. studies
subj. subject
subj. subjunctive
Subj. subject(s)
subjunct. subjunctive
subord. subordinate
subord. cl. subordinate clause
Subscr. subscription
Subscript. subscription
subseq. subsequent(ly)
subst. substantive(ly)
suff. suffix
Suff. Suffolk
superl. superlative
Suppl. supplement, supplementary
Supplic. supplication(s)
Suppress. suppression
Surg. surgery, surgical
Surv. survey, surveying
Sus. (in the Apocrypha) Susanna
s.v. sub verbo, ‘under the word’
s.w. south-western (dialect)
S.W. south-west, south-western
syll. syllable
Symmetr. symmetrical
Symp. symposium
Syst. system


t. tense
Taxon. taxonomy, taxonomic
techn. technical
Techn. technical
Technol. technology, technological
Tel. telegraph
Telecomm. telecommunications
Telegr. telegraph
Telegr. telegraphy, telegraphic(al)
Teleph. telephony, telephonic
Teratol. teratology
Terminol. terminology, terminological
Terrestr. terrestrial
Test. testament
Textbk. textbook
Theat. theatre, theatrical
Theatr. theatre, theatrical
Theol. theology, theological
Theoret. theoretical
Thermonucl. thermonuclear
Thes. thesaurus
Thess. (in the Bible) Thessalonians
Tim. (in the Bible) Timothy
Tit. (in the Bible) Titus
Topogr. topography, topographic(al)
tr. translation, translating
Trad. tradition, traditional
Trag. tragedy
trans. transitive
Trans. transaction(s)
transf. transferred sense
transl. translation, translating
Transl. translation
Transubstant. transubstantiation
Trav. travel(s)
Treas. treasurer, treasury
Treat. treatise
Treatm. treatment
Trib. tribune
Trig. trigonometry
Trigonom. trigonometry
Trop. tropical
Troub. troublesome
Troubl. troublesome
Typog. typography
Typogr. typography


U.K. United Kingdom
ult. ultimately
Univ. university
unkn. unknown
Unnat. unnatural
Unoffic. unofficial
unstr. unstressed
Urin. urinary
U.S. United States
U.S.A.F. United States Air Force
U.S.S.R. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
usu. usually
Utilit. utilitarian


v. verb
Va. Virginia
Vac. vacation
Valedict. valediction
var. variant
varr. variants
vars. variants
vb. verb
vbl. verbal
vbl.n. verbal noun
vbl. ns. verbal nouns
vbs. verbs
Veg. vegetable
Veg. Phys. vegetable physiology
Veg. Physiol. vegetable physiology
Venet. Venetian
Vertebr. vertebrate
Vet. veterinary, veterinary science
Vet. Med. veterinary medicine
Vet. Path. veterinary pathology
Vet. Sci. veterinary science
Vet. Surg. veterinary surgery
Vic. Victoria
Vict. Victoria
Vind. vindication, vindicated
Vindic. vindication, vindicated
Virg. virgin(s)
Virol. virology
viz. videlicet, ‘namely’
Voc. vocabulary
Vocab. vocabulary
Vol. volume
Vols. volumes
Voy. voyage(s)
vulg. vulgar(ly)
Vulg. vulgar
Vulg. Vulgate


w. west
W. west, western
W. Afr. West Africa(n)
Warwicksh. Warwickshire
wd. word
Wd. word
west. western
Westm. Westminster
Westmld. Westmoreland
Westmorld. Westmoreland
Westmrld. Westmoreland
Will. William
Wilts. Wiltshire
Wiltsh. Wiltshire
W. Ind. West Indies, West Indian
W. Indies West Indies
Wis. Wisconsin
Wisd. wisdom
Wisd. (in the Apocrypha) Wisdom of Solomon
wk. weak
Wk. week
Wk. work
Wkly. weekly
Wks. works
Wonderf. wonderful
Worc. Worcestershire
Worcestersh. Worcestershire
Worcs. Worcestershire
Writ. writing(s)
W. Va. West Virginia


Yearbk. yearbook
Yng. young
Yorks. Yorkshire
Yorksh. Yorkshire
Yr. year
Yrs. years


Zech. (in the Bible) Zechariah
Zeitschr. Zeitschrift
Zeph. (in the Bible) Zephaniah
Zoogeogr. zoogeography
Zool. zoology, zoological


Forrás: http://public.oed.com/how-to-use-the-oed/abbreviations/#k 


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abbreviations angol rövidítés