2015. aug 30.

Az összes előforduló rövidítés egy helyen - Abbreviations I.

írta: Szandi.1105
Az összes előforduló rövidítés egy helyen - Abbreviations I.

a (in dates) ante
abbrev. abbreviation (of)
Abbrev. abbreviation(s)
Abd. Aberdeen
Aberd. Aberdeen
Aberdeensh. Aberdeenshire
abl. ablative
Abol. abolition
Aborig. aboriginal
Abp. archbishop
Abr. abridged
Abridg. abridged
Abridgem. abridgement
absol. absolute(ly)
Absol. absolute
Abst. abstract(s)
abstr. abstract
Abstr. abstract(s)
Acad. academia, academy, academic(al)
acc. according (to)
acc. accusative
Acc. account(s)
Accept. acceptance
Accomm. accommodation
Accompl. accomplished
Accs. accounts
Acct. account
Accts. accounts
accus. accusative
Achievem. achievement
A.D. Anno Domini
ad. adaptation of
Add. addendum, addenda
Addit. addition(s)
Addr. address
adj. adjective, adjectival
adj. phr. adjectival phrase
adjs. adjectives
Adm. admiral
Adm. admiralty
Admin. administration, administrative
Admir. admiralty
Admon. admonition
Admonit. admonition
adv. adverb, adverbial(ly)
Adv. advanced
Adv. advances
Adv. adventure(s)
Adv. advices
Adv. advocate
Advancem. advancement(s)
advb. adverb, adverbial(ly)
Advert. advertisement
Advoc. advocate
advs. adverbs
Advt. advertisement
Advts. advertisements
Aerodynam. aerodynamics
Aeronaut. aeronautics, aeronautical
Aff. affairs
Affect. affecting
Affect. affection(s)
Afr. Africa(n)
Agric. agriculture, agricultural
agst. against
Alch. alchemy
Alg. algebra
Alleg. allegiance
Allit. alliterative
Alm. almanac
Alph. alphabet, alphabetical
alt. alteration
Amer. America, American
Anal. analysis
Analyt. analytic(al)
Anat. anatomy, anatomical
Anc. ancient
Anecd. anecdotes
Ang. Anglian
Angl. Anglian
Anglo-Ind. Anglo-Indian
Anim. animal(s)
Ann. annal(s)
Ann. annual
Anniv. anniversary
Annot. annotation
Anon. (in author names) Anonymous
Answ. answer
Ant. antiquities
Anthrop. anthropology
Anthropol. anthropology, anthropological
Antiq. antiquity, antiquities
aphet. aphetic, aphetized
Apoc. apocalyptic(al)
Apol. apology, apologies
app. apparently
App. appendix
Appl. applied
Applic. application(s)
appos. appositive(ly)
Apr. April
Arab. Arabic
Arb. (in author names) Arber
arch. archaic
Arch. architecture
Arch. archive(s)
Archaeol. archaeology, archaeological
Archipel. archipelago
Archit. architecture, architectural
Argt. argument
Arith. arithmetic
Arithm. arithmetic, arithmetical
Arrangem. arrangement
art. article
Artic. articulation
Artific. artificial
Artill. artillery
Ashm. (in author names) Ashmole
Assemb. assembly, assemblies
Assoc. association
Assoc. Football Association Football
Assyriol. Assyriology
Astr. astronomy
Astrol. astrology
Astron. astronomy, astronomic(al)
Astronaut. astronautics, astronautical
Att. Attic
attrib. attributive(ly)
Attrib. attribute(s)
Aug. August
Austral. Australia(n)
Auth. author(s)
Autobiog. autobiography
Autobiogr. autobiography, autobiographic(al)
A.V. Authorized Version
Ayrsh. Ayrshire




Bacteriol. bacteriology, bacteriologic(al)
B.C. Before Christ
B.C. British Columbia
Bedford. Bedfordshire
Bedfordsh. Bedfordshire
bef. before
Bel & Dr. (in the Apocrypha) Bel and the Dragon
Belg. Belgian
Berks. Berkshire
Berksh. Berkshire
Berw. Berwickshire
Berwicksh. Berwickshire
betw. between
Bibliogr. bibliography
Biochem. biochemistry, biochemical
Biog. biography
Biogr. biography, biographic(al)
Biol. biology, biological
Bk. book
Bks. books
BNC British National Corpus
Bord. border
Bot. botany, botanic(al)
Bp. Bishop
Braz. Brazilian
Brit. Britain, British
Bucks. Buckinghamshire
Build. building
Bull. bulletin
Bur. bureau



c. century
C. county, counties
c (in dates) circa
Cal. calendar
Calc. calculus
Calend. calendar
Calif. California
Calligr. calligraphy
Camb. Cambridge
Cambr. Cambridge
Campanol. campanology
Canad. Canadian
Canterb. Canterbury
Capt. captain
Cartogr. cartography, cartographic(al)
Catal. catalogue
Catech. catechism
Cath. Catholic
cent. century
Cent. central
Cent. century
Ceram. ceramics
Cert. certificate
Certif. certificate
cf. confer, ‘compare’
Ch. Church
Chamb. chamber
Char. character
Charac. character
Chas. Charles
Chem. Engin. chemical engineering
Chem. chemistry, chemical
Chesh. Cheshire
Ch. Hist. Church history
Chr. Christian
Chr. (in the Bible) Chronicles
Chron. chronology, chronicle
Chron. (in the Bible) Chronicles
Chronol. chronology
Chrons. chronicles
Cinematogr. cinematography, cinematographic(al)
Circ. circle
Civ. Law civil law
Civil Engin. civil engineering
cl. clause
Cl. club
Class. Antiq. classical antiquities
Class. classical
Classif. classification
Climatol. climatology
Clin. clinical
cogn. w. cognate with
Col. colonel
Col. (in the Bible) Colossians
Coll. collected, collection
Coll. college
collect. collective(ly)
Collect. collection
colloq. colloquial(ly)
Colloq. colloquies
Coloss. (in the Bible) Colossians
Com. common
Com. commission
Comb. combination(s)
comb. form combining form
Combs. combinations
Comm. commerce, in commercial usage
Comm. common
Comm. commentary
Comm. commission
Comm. committee
Commandm. commandment
Commend. commendation
Commerc. commercial
Commiss. commission
Comm. Law commercial law
Commonw. commonwealth
Communic. communication(s)
comp. comparative
comp. compound, composition
Comp. companion
Comp. company
Compan. companion(s)
Comp. Anat. comparative anatomy
compar. comparative
Compar. comparative
Compend. compendium, compendious
compl. complement
Compl. complete
Compos. composition
conc. concerning
Conc. concise
Conch. conchology
Concl. conclusion
concr. concrete(ly)
Conf. conference
Conf. confession
Confid. confidential
Confl. conflict
Confut. confutation
Congr. congress
Congreg. congregation
Congress. congressional
conj. conjugation
conj. conjunction
Conn. Connecticut
cons. consonant
Consc. conscience
Consecr. consecrated, consecration
Consid. consideration(s)
Consol. consolation
const. construction, construed with
Constit. Hist. constitutional history
Constit. constitution(al)
Constr. construction
Contemp. contemporary
Contempl. contemplation
contempt. contemptuous(ly)
Contend. contending(s)
Content. contention
Contin. continuation
contr. contracted, contraction
contr. contrasted (with)
Contradict. contradiction
Contrib. contribution
Controv. controversial
Controv. controversy
Conv. convention
Convent. convention
Conversat. conversation
Convoc. convocation
Cor. (in the Bible) Corinthians
Cornw. Cornwall
Coron. coronation
Corr. correspondence
corresp. corresponding (to)
Corresp. correspondence
Counc. council
Courtsh. courtship
cpd. compound
Craniol. craniology
Craniom. craniometry
Crim. criminal
Crim. Law criminal law
Crit. critical
Crit. criticism
Crt. court
Crts. courts
Cryptogr. cryptography
Crystallogr. crystallography
Ct. count
Ct. court
Cumb. Cumberland
Cumberld. Cumberland
Cumbld. Cumberland
Cycl. cyclopaedia
Cytol. cytology, cytological



Dan. (in the Bible) Daniel
dat. dative
Dau. daughter
D.C. District of Columbia
Deb. debate
Dec. December
Declar. declaration
Ded. dedicated
Ded. dedication
def. definite
def. definition
Def. defence
Deliv. deliverance
dem. demonstrative
Demonstr. demonstration
Dep. department
Dep. deputy
Depred. depredation
Depredat. depredation
Dept. department
Derbysh. Derbyshire
deriv. derivative (in etymologies)
derog. derogatory
Descr. description, descriptive
Deut. (in the Bible) Deuteronomy
Devel. development
Devonsh. Devonshire
dial. dialect
Dial. dialect
Dict. dictionary
Diffic. difficult, difficulty
dim. diminutive
Direct. direction
Dis. disease(s)
Disc. discourse
Discipl. discipline
Discov. discovery
Discrim. discrimination
Discuss. discussion
Diss. dissertation
Dist. district
Distemp. distemper
Distill. distilling
Distrib. distribution
Div. divinity
Div. division
Divers. diversity
Dk. Duke
Doc. document(s)
Doctr. doctrine
Domest. domestic
Durh. Durham
dyslog. dyslogistic



e. east
E. east, eastern
E. Afr. East Africa(n)
E. Angl. East Anglia(n)
E. Anglian East Anglian
East Ind. East Indies, East Indian
east. eastern (dialect)
Eccl. ecclesiastical
Eccl. (in the Bible) Ecclesiastes
Eccles. ecclesiastical
Eccles. (in the Bible) Ecclesiastes
Eccl. Hist. ecclesiastical history
Eccl. Law ecclesiastical law
Ecclus. (in the Apocrypha) Ecclesiasticus
Ecol. ecology, ecological
Econ. economics, economic(al)
ed. edition
Ed. edition
Ed. Edward
E.D.D. English Dialect Dictionary
Edin. Edinburgh
Edinb. Edinburgh
Educ. education, education(al)
Edw. Edward
E.E.T.S. Early English Text Society
Egypt. Egyptian
Egyptol. Egyptology
E. Ind. East Indies, East Indian
Electr. electricity, electric(al)
Electr. Engin. electrical engineering
Electro-magn. electro-magnetism
Electro-physiol. electro-physiology
Elem. element(s), elementary
Eliz. Elizabeth
Elizab. Elizabethan
ellipt. elliptical(ly)
Emb. embassy
Embryol. embryology, embryologic(al)
e. midl. east midland (dialect)
emph. emphatic(ally)
Encycl. encyclopaedia, encyclopaedic
Encycl. Brit. Encyclopaedia Britannica
Encycl. Metrop. Encyclopaedia Metropolitana
Eng. England, English
Engin. engineering
Englishw. Englishwomen
Enq. enquiry
Ent. entomology, entomological
Enthus. enthusiasm
Entom. entomology, entomological
Entomol. entomology, entomological
Enzymol. enzymology
eOE (in dates) early Old English
Ep. epistle
Eph. (in the Bible) Ephesians
Ephes. (in the Bible) Ephesians
Epil. epilogue
Episc. episcopacy
Epist. epistle
Epit. epitaph
Equip. equipment
erron. erroneous(ly)
Esd. (in the Apocrypha) Esdras
esp. especially
Ess. essay(s)
Essent. essential
Establ. establishment
Esth. (in the Bible) Esther
Ethnol. ethnology
etym. etymology
etymol. etymological(ly)
Etymol. etymology, etymological
euphem. euphemistic(ally)
Eval. evaluation
Evang. evangelical
Even. evening
Evid. evidence
Evol. evolution, evolutionary
Ex. doc. executive document
Exalt. exaltation
Exam. examination
exc. except
Exch. exchange
Exch. exchequer
Exec. execution
Exec. executive
Exerc. exercise(s)
Exhib. exhibition, exhibit(s)
Exod. (in the Bible) Exodus
Exped. expedition
Exper. experiment, experimental
Explan. explanation
Explic. explication
Explor. exploration
Expos. exposition, expository
Ezek. (in the Bible) Ezekiel



f. feminine
f. folio
Fab. fable(s)
fam. familiar(ly)
Fam. family
famil. familiar(ly)
Farew. farewell
Feb. February
fem. feminine
Ff. folios
Fifesh. Fifeshire
fig. figurative(ly)
fl. floruit, ‘flourished’
Footpr. footprint
Forfarsh. Forfarshire
Fortif. fortification
Fortn. fortnightly
Found. foundation(s)
Fr. father
Fr. French
Fr. from
Fragm. fragment(s)
Fratern. fraternity
freq. frequently
Friendsh. friendship
Fund. fundamental(s)
Furnit. furniture
fut. future



Gal. (in the Bible) Galatians
Gard. garden, gardening
Gastron. gastronomy
Gaz. gazette
Gd. good
gen. general(ly)
gen. genitive
Gen. general
Gen. (in the Bible) Genesis
Geo. George
Geog. geography
Geogr. geography, geographic(al)
Geol. geology, geologic(al)
Geom. geometry, geometric(al)
Geomorphol. geomorphology
Ger. German
gerund. gerundial
Glac. glacier(s)
Glasg. Glasgow
Glos. Gloucestershire
Gloss. glossary
Glouc. Gloucestershire
Gloucestersh. Gloucestershire
Gosp. gospel(s)
Gov. government
Govt. government
Gr. grammar
Gram. grammar
Gramm. Analysis grammatical analysis
Gt. great
Gynaecol. gynaecology



Hab. (in the Bible) Habakkuk
Haematol. haematology
Hag. (in the Bible) Haggai
Hampsh. Hampshire
Handbk. handbook
Hants. Hampshire
Heb. Hebrew
Heb. (in the Bible) Hebrews
Hebr. (in the Bible) Hebrews
Hen. Henry
Her. heraldry
Herb. herbalism
Heref. Herefordshire
Hereford. Herefordshire
Herefordsh. Herefordshire
Hertfordsh. Hertfordshire
Hierogl. Hieroglyphic
hist. historical
Hist. history, historic(al)
Histol. histology, histologic(al)
Hom. homilies
Horol. horology
Hort. horticulture, horticultural
Hos. (in the Bible) Hosea
Hosp. hospital
Househ. household
Housek. housekeeping
Husb. husbandry
Hydraul. hydraulic
Hydrol. hydrology, hydrological



Ichth. ichthyology
Icthyol. icthyology
Ideol. ideology, ideological
Idol. idolatry
Illustr. illustrated, illustration(s)
Imag. imaginary, imagination
imit. imitative
Immunol. immunology
imp. imperative
imperf. imperfect
impers. impersonal
impf. imperfect
Impr. impression(s)
Impr. imprint
Impr. improved
improp. improper(ly)
Inaug. inaugural
Inclos. inclosure
Ind. India(n)
ind. indicative
ind. indirect
Ind. industry
indef. indefinite
indic. indicative
indir. indirect
Industr. industrial
Industr. Rel. industrial relations
infin. infinitive
infl. influenced
Infl. influence
Innoc. innocence, innocent
Inorg. inorganic
Inq. inquiry
Inst. institute, institution
instr. instrumental
Instr. instruction
int. interjection
Intell. intelligence, intelligent
Intellect. intellectual
Interc. intercourse
interj. interjection
Interl. interlude
Internat. international
Interpr. interpretation
interrog. interrogative
intr. intransitive
intrans. intransitive
Intro. introduction
Introd. introduction, introductory
Inv. inventory, inventories
Invent. invention(s)
Invent. inventory, inventories
Invertebr. invertebrate, invertebrated
Invert. Zool. invertebrate zoology
Investig. investigation
Investm. investment
Invoc. invocation
Ir. Irish
Irel. Ireland
iron. ironically
irreg. irregular(ly)
Isa. (in the Bible) Isaiah
Ital. Italian



Jahrb. Jahrbuch
Jam. (in the Bible) James
Jam. (in author names) Jamieson
Jan. January
Jap. Japanese
Jas. James
Jas. (in the Bible) James
Jer. (in the Bible) Jeremiah
joc. jocular(ly)
Josh. (in the Bible) Joshua
Jrnl. journal
Jrnls. journals
Jud. (in the Bible) Judges
Judg. (in the Bible) Judges
Jul. July
Jun. June
Jun. junior
Jurisd. jurisdiction
Jurisdict. jurisdiction
Jurispr. jurisprudence
Justif. justification
Justific. justification


Forrás: http://public.oed.com/how-to-use-the-oed/abbreviations/ 



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